News from Graeme Black

I have spoken to Rod today, he is as well as can be expected after suffering his stroke in Sri Lanka. He said at least he can talk and can walk. Phone number is 092983842 and email   . Not unexpected he does not sound quite as chipper as normal, but he is still our Rod, God bless him.

Grant Box had an overnight stay in Braemar Hospital (5 minutes from me) for a biopsy on his prostate. I got my words mixed up and referred to it as an autopsy and he was NOT impressed and threatened me with an excruciating form of death  He is well but will not get the results for a while. I spent a couple of hours with he and Barbara yesterday.
If anyone, or whanau, should have to go into Braemar, Southern Cross  or Waikato please let me know and I will do some visiting.

Tubby Wynyard has also had a few days in Waikato Hospital, respiratory problems but now back home again north of Raglan. Tubby earned a Queen's Commendation for bravery when he beat out a fire with his shirt in Nui Dat that had started beside the ammo bays. Denis Dwane and Danny McCort came to me , as Chief Clerk, and said that Tubby had to get some award for his bravery. So we sat down and prepared a commendation which was accepted. Good boys Denis and Danny without their input Tubby would probably not get an extra piece of toast for breakfast.
I spoke to Tubby today and as he has not got a computer asked me to send his kindest regards on the ALL Viet Nam vets

Nothing more. At least there are no 161 Bty tragedies, except that Brian Edmonds suggested I should join the Middle Sex Regiment. Picture shows Brian dealing to a Land Rover. The Aust MPs were not impressed, especially when they found out that they were having the mickey taken out of them and it was all pre-arranged to piss them off.

Graeme B?? Black


Please do not forget the Gunner's Day Dinner in Papakura RSA 26 May contact Peter Anderson at  or 092988850, or 30 Taonui St, Rosehill, Papakura.