The Royal New Zealand Artillery
The Royal New Zealand Artillery Association (Inc) Registered Charity: CC37284 Promoting the fellowship and supporting the wellbeing |
The Royal New Zealand Artillery Association (Inc.) and 11/4 Battery, 16th Field Regiment, RNZA
Auckland Regional Gunners Day Celebration Dinner Registration.
Semi-Formal Celebration Dinner
Saturday May 26th 2018
Point Chevalier Memorial RSA
1136 Great North Rd
Point Chevalier, Auckland.
It is great pleasure that we invite all ex and serving gunners, their wives, husbands, spouses, partners to join together in celebrating the day the Royal Regiment was formed on the 26th May 1716. This is an invitation to all gunners who may be passing through Auckland or would wish to travel here to be a part of the evening’s celebrations.
The dinner cost is $48.00 per head consisting of a three-course buffet self-serve meal being a soup entrée, with a selection of mains and deserts, including port and an entertainer for the evening. There will be a cash bar operating with wine, beer etc. at RSA rates. Please let us know if you have any specific dietary requirements.
Timings are 6.00pm for 7pm till close.
Your place will be confirmed when payment is received. For catering purposes, the final day for registration/payment needs to be 11th May, so please respond promptly. Our planning is based on a minimum number of 80 attendees.
Direct Credit payments: Deposit your payment into our RNZAA Account at Kiwibank: Account #: 38-9016-0039947-00 Include your name in the reference box so we know who the payment is from. Email your reply slip to Craig Hewett. or fax to 09 4736062, or phone me on either 094736063 or 0274736004
There is free parking at Parr Road public car park, just off the Great North Rd, a 2 minute walk to the RSA.
Dress: Mess Dress, SD’s, Suits, evening wear and medals worn should you wish so.
Names of those attending: e.g. David and Mary Smith
…………………………………………………………………………………………………..will be attending the Gunners Day Dinner 2018.
Email address: ……………………………………………………
Postal address………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(some of our contact records need updating so please let us know if you have moved or changed contact details)
Telephone:……………………………………… Mobile:……………………………………………………
I have made Direct Payment to the Kiwibank RNZAA Account for $ ………… being payment for ……….. persons at $48.00 per head. Please use your Surname and Initial as payment reference.
Look forward to seeing you there.
Craig Hewett(ED)
2018 Auckland Regional Gunners Day
Celebrations Co-ordinator
Ph. 09 4736063 Mobile: 027 4736004