What is in the North Head Tunnels

What is in the North Head Tunnels?

Ever wondered what is in the hidden tunnels in North Head? What happened to the original Boeing aeroplanes? What was the “Kaskowiski”? Who was “Ali Barber”?

This volcanic mountain (named Maungauika by Maori) is strategically positioned above the shipping channel which rounds it into the inner harbour. North Head is a natural lookout and defensive position for the harbour, and has been used for this purpose for centuries. Many fortifications were built. The old gun emplacements and underground connecting tunnels have been restored and now you can explore with a guide - bring a torch!

The Auckland Coastal Defences Historical Trust are registered with DOC to conduct guided walking tours and have access to areas that are normally closed to the public.

Some of the highlights include:

·         The location and history of Gun emplacements from 1870s to 1950s.

·         The Russian scare and "Kaskowiski" and the missing "Boeings"

·         Actual guns including the 8-inch BLHP "disappearing gun" and saluting battery.

·         Supporting magazines, Observation Posts, engineering, searchlight positions, stores, offices and accommodation.

·         And lots of dark, mysterious and historic tunnels!!

Regular tours are run throughout the summer starting at 10 am Saturday and Sunday from the Navy Museum in Torpedo Bay. Cost $10 per adult, $5 per child or $25 per family. Call 09 4455186 or email tours@forts.org.nz to book.

Group tours can be booked for other times. They can be adapted to meet the needs of your group and the time required, and can include Fort Takapuna.


Auckland Coastal Defences Historical Trust

Mob 027 4851273
Ph 09 4458199
Email: info@forts.org.nz
Web:    www.forts.org.nz

For Tours: tours@forts.org.nz 
or Phone: +64 9 4451341

About Auckland Coastal Defences Historical Trust

The AUCKLAND COASTAL DEFENCES HISTORICAL TRUST is a registered charitable trust formed to preserve the history, and assist the Department of Conservation (DOC) restore and maintain the historic sites at North Head and Fort Takapuna (Fort Cautley) as significant tourist attractions and areas of public interest. The surplus income from any tours or associated activities will be used to further develop DOC capacity to restore the historic, archaeological and amenity values of the sites for the region.

The Trust has been granted a concession from DOC to conduct guided tours at both locations.

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