From: John Osborne
Click on the names below to see information about vehicles & weapons. They were used by NZ forces WW2 and more recently. The Daimler Dingo was used by 16 Fd Regt in Korea
The Royal New Zealand Artillery Association (Inc) Registered Charity: CC37284 Promoting the fellowship and supporting the wellbeing |
Muzzle Flashes, LƟƟK!, facebook and The New Zealand Gunner keep members up-to-date with the latest news, reports and events. Do you have something to share, or a query? Contact Us . . .
From: John Osborne
Click on the names below to see information about vehicles & weapons. They were used by NZ forces WW2 and more recently. The Daimler Dingo was used by 16 Fd Regt in Korea
A model of a 'British Waterloo Canon' was commissioned by the late Jeffery Waters. It was later bequeathed to 'The Regiment' by Jeffrey in his will. The gun was presented to The Colonel Commandant, Colonel Barry Dreyer, on St Barbara’s Day 2013 at the Papakura RSA. The gun is now on permanent
Article from: John Osborne Commandant NZACFRS
Some information you may find of interest:
Last Post: T465146 William George (Bill) HUGHES, RNZA, ex 161 Bty SVN, passed away at Whangarei, on Tuesday 25 February 2014, aged 76.
From: Robert McAdam (
We are pleased to announce that Peter Miles will take over from Mike Dakin as Support Adviser for the Association.
LAST POST: 814386 John Philip BELLAMY ex 161 Bty SVN, passed away at his home in Nelson, on Tuesday 4 February 2014.
A Rosary for John is to be held in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 35 William Street , Richmond , Nelson, today, Thursday 6 February 2014, at 1800 hrs.
The Ex Vietnam Services Association (EVSA) will be holding their Bi Annual Reunion in Rotorua, N.Z over Queens Birthday weekend – 30 May to 2 June 2014. This Reunion is open to all servicemen/servicewomen who served in Vietnam and their families.
From our Colonel Commandant, Barry Dreyer, a message from HRH thanking us “for the kind message of Christmas greetings”
From ex Gunner T771920 Mat LANGE
From Wayne Searle:
Todays paper has the notice for James Hargest. Iworked under him in King Edward Barracks in 1970. At the time he was to me Captain Hargest. I didnt realize then that he was with the Guns in Korea. He was a lovely man to work for. Cheers Wayne
From Mr. Kim McGrath JP, President, Australian Artillery Association
From RNZAA President:
Congratulations to Hugh Vercoe on being appointed an `Officer of the NZ Order of Merit` (ONZM) in the 2014 New Years Honours.
From Graeme BLACK:
I have logged in to a “” site with heap of photos, plus audio interviews, of Kiwis in Viet Nam. Link to the site is
From Brian MEYER:
Details of 1RNZIR August 2014 Malaysia Tour. Click here for Travel Itinerary and other detals.