The Royal New Zealand Artillery
The statue in this photo is to be found at the eastern end of Albert Park in Auckland
Central(near the University of Auckland). The inscription reads;
``Erected by members of the NZ Battery RA,
in memory of their comrades
(eight names follow)
Who lost their lives in the South African War 1900-1.
Unfortunately the Statue has lost its left arm, which holds a sword (an identical statue is to
be found near the Polynesian Baths in Rotorua).
Being located in Greg Thwaite`s favourite lunch spot, Greg has taken on the task (on behalf
of the RNZA Association) of tracing the history of the statue, and effecting its restoration
through the Auckland Council.
(The two young Swedish tourists who happened to pass by when the photos were being
taken were lucky enough to receive a thorough briefing on the statue by Greg. As a result,
international relations between Sweden and NZ have never been stronger).